In the billowing dust raised by elephant hooves and the feet of men, Minyekyawswa seemed to have vanished.
It was only after the third night watch had struck that the severely wounded Minyekyawswa was found under the asper tree as the royal seer had predicted. The lord Rajadhirat spoke to him:
"My son, that you are a young man does not dishearten me. (note: wun: "ma-nei:-bu:" which means "disheartened" translated as "I am not gloating over this" by U San Lwin?)
When you have been treated with proper medicine and are healthy again, if you wish to return to Ava, I will send you there.
If you wish to live in Pegu, I will marry you to my daughter and raise you to the position of crown prince (ein-shei). Nurse yourself back to health."
He then gave Minyekyawswa medicine but he refused to drink the medicine.
"When I came to make war with you elder uncle, I vowed that if I did not take Pegu that I would not return. I will not take the medicine. Now I have reached the end, as I will be named the slave (kyun) of another."
He did not take the medicine and died at the third stroke of night.
The ministers sent him to the cremation ground (thin-kyaing) and ordered that his bones be properly interred at the Kyat Thale pagoda.
(edited translation of U San Lwin, 147-148; the Burmese of Banya Dala, page 324)