Thursday, June 08, 2006

Sentence of the day weblog

Here's a great new idea: Sentence of the Day

The author of this weblog is writing her PhD dissertation and seems to pick out extremely long sentences loaded with ideas.

Raw words by themselves without context have always seemed so useless to learn.

Even in the Burmese language common sequences of words or collocations are important.

In the Oxford Collocations Dictionary I use frequently as a reminder (kind of like the way we use a thesaurus) collocations for a word are broken into frequent verb+object, adjective+noun, ver+preposition, plus full fixed phrases, fixed meaning that the tense of the verb can still change.

I've been meaning to take my computer readable portions of the Burmese Chronicle and mine them for collocations. One day when I have more time and can change gears for a moment.